Hard to believe that my career in writing had started over 10 years ago.
If you wanted to start the clock on the year that I graduated from college, that would put me at about 14 years in publishing. If you were to mark it from the point someone started to actually pay me to write, then it would be 12 years. For those of you wondering, I took two years off to focus on my then career in construction. The money was much better.
With that spiel out of the way, I’m finally getting around to starting my own personal blog. Mainly to keep the content on here fresh and ongoing, but also to help find myself again as a writer and to get back in touch with my old voice. Although I’ve built, owned and operated a few different sites over the years, none were informal and a place to host my random, personal thoughts. I’m not really sure why I never got around to building my own site, but it doesn’t matter now. So here I am.
Plus, writing takes practice. Lots of it. I used to be pretty decent at it, but now I’m rusty.
Pretty rusty.
Actually, extremely rusty. So, yeah. I want to remove some of that rust.
I’m not really sure yet how this thing place will evolve. I don’t expect there to be a consistent schedule of posts right now, nor do I even know what things I will be writing about. What I do know that I’m going to keep it relaxed, fun and hopefully it won’t be an eyesore for you to read.
Here’s to Day 1.
Good talk.
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